Flipped Classroom Examples And Activities

Our world is constantly evolving, and the corresponding changes affect every aspect of life. With the advent of technology and information, traditional methods of operation are less in use, and convenient and effective methods are becoming the norm. The concept of teaching students through flipped classrooms is fast becoming the order of the day, and there are a lot of flipped classroom examples to prove this.

Take education, for instance; there was a time when teachers could only do teaching in classrooms with a chalkboard. However, the internet, video tutorials, and online classes have made that mode of teaching obsolete.

A lot of schools are now accepting this new teaching method because it is student-centered and produces better results. The use of flipped classroom activities is one of the many ways we are adapting to this digital age. In this article, we will see other flipped classroom examples and how it is changing the educational system.

In this article, we will explore the following:

  • What Is A Flipped Classroom?
  • Relevant Tools For A Flipped Classroom  
  • Models Of A Flipped Classroom 
  • Benefits Of A Flipped Classroom 
  • Flipped Classroom Activities 

What is a Flipped Classroom?

The phrase “flipped classroom” originated from the reverse of Bloom’s taxonomy. Inverting his hierarchy of educational learning models gives you a flipped classroom. A flipped classroom is the reverse of the conventional classroom. It is a pedagogical method of educating students through the use of technological aids.

The teacher gives students video tutorials and online materials to watch at home first rather than introducing the subject in the classroom. The students then come to the classroom and have discussions and class exercises on the video tutorial.

A flipped classroom example would be a History teacher who gives his students videos to see at home on the first world war, its causes, effects on individual nations, and America’s role in the war. When they come to the classroom, the students are shared into groups to discuss a particular aspect of the war. Each group then shares their views with the whole class, and the teacher provides explanations and clarifications on important events. 

According to eLearning Industry, teachers who have employed this model have witnessed a significant reduction in the failure rates of their students. Furthermore, this self-centered learning helps students develop skills useful in life, such as critical thinking and problem-solving. 

Relevant Tools

A flipped classroom involves the use of audio, videos, or slideshow-related materials to teach students. Teachers would need to use video editing and screen recording tools to create relevant content for their students. There are several software tools for screencasting and audio/video creation, some of which include; 

  • Screencastify: This screencasting tool allows you to make video recordings of your computer screen and share them with your students. It also comes with a microphone feature for audio lessons. 
  • Nearpod: Nearpod is a video app that helps you create slideshows and presentations for your students. It is very interactive and allows you to take polls, give quiz exercises and get real-time answers from your students. 
  • Khan Academy: This video tool app offers over 3000 lecture videos on various subjects. As a teacher, you could create a classroom for your students on the app and share relevant videos with them. You can also keep tabs on their progress as they take each lesson. 
  • Camtasia: Camtasia is a screencast tool that enables you to add notes and effects to your recorded video. It makes it a lot more interactive. 
  • EdPuzzle: This video app offers several interactive features such as audio notes and comments. Teachers can know the videos students have watched and how much time the students spend on each section. This gives an idea of just how much of the subject the student understands. 

Models of the Flipped Classroom 

One remarkable thing about flipped classrooms is that they can take various styles and forms. It is not rigid as the teacher can make use of different models to flip the class. There are several flipped classroom examples where the teachers use some of these models and they have a positive result to show that it is very effective. Here are some of the most popular flipped classroom models:

Discussion-oriented Flipped Classroom

For this model, the teacher gives students a lecture video, either created by the teacher or from an external source, to watch. During the class hours, the students then have discussions on the concepts and topics from the video. This classroom model is best for subjects like Art, History, or English. 

Group-based Flipped Classroom

The focus of this model is peer-to-peer learning. After the students have reviewed the material given earlier, they come to the class and work together on the class exercise in groups. This helps to foster learning and improve memory retention.

Standard Flipped Classrooms

This is the ideal flipped classroom model. Here, students have access to the lecture materials and videos prior to the next lecture, which they are to study before the class. The class periods would be dedicated for revision, solving exercises, and practicing what was learned at home. This model enables students to understand better and allows for individual interaction with the teacher. 

Demonstration-based Flipped Classroom

This is the ideal model for experimental subjects such as Physics, Geometry, Chemistry, Math and so on. It is especially beneficial for subjects that require formulas or repetitive actions. The videos are usually demonstrative and instructional for the students to comprehend better. In some cases, teachers make use of screencasting tools to enable them to record their screens and create videos for the students. Students have access to the videos before the class. This gives them time to watch and understand at their pace. 

The Virtual Flipped Classroom

In this model, classroom periods are non-existent. Everything is virtual. University lecturers and professors teaching graduate students often utilize this model for their students. The students have access to lecture notes, videos, and assignments, which they are to submit online via various learning management systems. The students, however, would have to schedule meetings with the lecturer for one-on-one interaction. This is the means through which the lecturer keeps tabs on their progress.

The Faux-Flipped Classroom

This model is most suited for younger learners. It involves providing them with lectures and instructional videos in place of assignments. They will watch the videos in the class, while the students review and understand in their own time. The teachers are available during this period to provide whatever assistance each student needs. 

Flipping the Teacher

Flipped classrooms do not necessarily need to involve the teacher changing their teaching methods. In this model, the students become the teachers by creating a video demonstrating what they have learned. This can be done as individual projects or group assignments. The students record themselves explaining certain concepts and try to be the “teachers.” 

Benefits of a Flipped Classroom 

Although the traditional teaching method is still valid, there is a lot that the educational system can gain from adapting to the flipped classroom teaching model. It offers many benefits both to the students and teachers. Some of the advantages of this model include:

  • Improved Student-teacher relations: The flipped classroom model bridges the student-teacher gap and gives room for them to relate easily. It allows for one-on-one interaction.
  • Students learn at their own pace: With the flipped classroom teaching model, students can learn at their own pace. They can rewind a lecture or watch it more than once to comprehend it. This is not possible with conventional teaching.
  • Promotes Student Group Interaction: Many of the in-class activities of the flipped classroom helps to encourage student interaction in groups and fosters teamwork.
  • Improves Student Comprehension of Subject: Flipped classroom activities give room for in-depth analysis and a deeper understanding of the subject. It creates an atmosphere for active and practical learning. 
  • Enhances learning experience: Flipped classroom teaching model provides students with a better learning experience that is more interactive and engaging.
  • Development of Real-life Skills: Flipped Classroom Activities help students cultivate skills necessary in real-life situations, such as critical thinking, oral and listening skills.

Flipped Classroom Activities with Flipped Classroom Examples

There are several activities that can be done in a flipped classroom teaching model. The teacher creates a video lecture for the students to listen and assimilate at home. When they come to the class, the teacher engages them in various activities directed towards furthering their understanding of the subject. 

Different types of flipped classroom activities are unique to the subject, type of student, and time duration. These activities could be in the form of class exercises, lab work, or simulations. The teacher’s responsibility is to select an appropriate flipped classroom activity that will aid the students in understanding and retaining their attention. Here is a list of the best activities in a flipped classroom.

10 Best Flipped Classroom Activities 

Before we consider some flipped classroom examples, let’s look out some of the best flipped classroom activities.


This involves separating the students into groups and assigning concepts from the material, or video tutorial shared earlier to brainstorm and discuss. After which, the teacher has a general discussion with the class on each of the concepts given. 

Question and Answer

This strategy aims at clarifying any confusing aspect of the online materials shared with the students. The students submit questions, and the teacher answers them. In some cases, the teacher could divide the students into groups and assign some of the questions to them.

Problem Solving

The students are divided into groups and given complex problems that require step-by-step solutions. Each pair then tries to solve the problem using the information in the online material shared before the class. 


This technique is most suitable for controversial topics. The teacher already informs the students of the available sides of the argument, and so the students are to prepare before the class. The teacher then divides the students into various groups based on the side of the argument they picked. The opposing groups then have the chance to present their points. 

Case Studies

The teacher then divides the students into various groups and gives each group a real-life scenario problem. They are to solve the problem and provide a solution using the out-of-class material the teacher gave them. 

Fishbowl Discussion

This is one of the smaller groups’ techniques. The teacher chooses a group of 4-6 students to engage in a discussion while the rest of the class watch, analyze, and critique the interaction taking place. 


This is a three-part activity to further explain concepts in the pre-class material. The thinking stage involves each student working individually and writing out their thoughts on the topic. The students are then paired with one another to discuss their opinions. The last stage involves a full class discussion with the teacher. 

Round Robin

Students in groups are given a particular concept from the pre-class material, which they should brainstorm on. After the brainstorming session, each student will say a single word or phrase that precisely captures the topic under consideration. It goes around until everyone in the group has participated. 

Dyadic Essay

After studying the pre-class material, the students come to class with a set of essay questions and answers on the material. In class, the students share their questions with other students who try to answer the questions. In the end, all responses are compared and discussed in relation to the topic. 

Affinity Grouping

Students individually write out their ideas based on the pre-class material given. They are then put in groups and asked to categorize the ideas based on similarity. This activity is often a precursor for other complex activities. 

Real-life Flipped Classroom Examples

  1. Clintondale High School, Michigan, is one of the flipped classroom examples of a school that has adopted the flipped classroom teaching model. Their teachers create video lectures with the use of screencasting tools. They have since recorded a 33% decrease in failure rates and have exponentially increased student-teacher interaction. 
  1. A class of Programming students  at a university were taught using the flipped classroom model. The students watched video lectures at home and solved programming problems during the class. The students gave positive reviews on the teaching method as it made learning more accessible. 
  1. A law class at USC employs flipping the teacher model for its students. The students were divided into groups and each group has an assigned topic. They then created a video presentation to teach the class.


You can see that the flipped classroom examples discussed in this article provide a wide range of benefits for the students and the teachers also. It helps to improve self-directed learning and increases student-teacher interaction. In this technological age, ideas such as this are necessary to retain students’ attention and help build life skills.

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